The domain name is registered in favour of:
TIN 52405410W
- The purpose of the website is to provide the general public with information on the clothing sales services provided by the company.
- The intellectual property rights of the website, its source code, design, navigation structure, service specifications and the different elements contained therein are owned by REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO, who has the exclusive rights to exploit them in any way and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
- These general conditions regulate the access and use of the web site that REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO makes freely available to Internet users. Access to the same implies its acceptance without reservation.
- The viewing, printing and partial downloading of the content of the website is authorised only and exclusively if the following conditions are met: 1) That it is compatible with the objectives of the website. 2) That it is done with the sole purpose of obtaining the information contained therein for personal and private use. Its use for commercial purposes or for its distribution, public communication, transformation or compilation without the express consent of REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO is expressly prohibited.
- Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the user. REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO will not be responsible for any consequence or damage that may arise from such access or use of information. REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or possible damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of virus in the user's computer used to connect to the services and content of the web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of the same.
REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO does not assume any responsibility derived from the concession or contents of the links of third parties to which reference is made in the web, nor guarantees the absence of virus or other elements in the same ones that can produce alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), the documents or the files of the user, excluding any responsibility for the damages of any class caused to the user for this reason.
REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO is not responsible for any damage or prejudice derived from circumstances of force majeure, such as, for example: error in the communication lines, failures in the Internet network (connection, in the linked pages).
REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO cannot guarantee that the website will function constantly, reliably and correctly, without delays or interruptions. - The unauthorised use of the information contained in this web, its resale, as well as the damage of the rights of Intellectual or Industrial Property of REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO, will give rise to the beginning of the legal actions that are pertinent with the objective of demanding the legally established responsibilities.
- LOPD - Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data. provides the user with a form and an instant messaging service so that the user can send their queries. When the user uses this means to contact us, he/she is expressly accepting that the data provided will be included in a file owned by REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO, duly registered in the General Data Protection Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), in order to attend and respond to such queries. In any case, the user will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided and it will be presumed that the person who has provided the data is the owner of the same. The user also understands and is aware that e-mail is not a secure medium for providing information of a particularly confidential nature.
REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO will treat and safeguard the personal data received through the website in total secrecy, guaranteeing its confidentiality, and will adopt the necessary and appropriate technical measures to prevent any alteration, loss, misuse, theft or treatment and/or unauthorised access. Likewise, this data will not be transferred or given access at any time to third parties without the express consent of the affected party. The user may access, rectify and cancel their data at any time by exercising their rights before the person responsible for the file: REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO, SANT CARLES, 7, 08922 SANTA COLOMA DE GRAMENET, or at the e-mail address:
REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO does not use spamming techniques and will only process the data that the user transmits through the e-mails enabled on this website to respond to their queries. - REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in its website or in the configuration and presentation of the same.
REMEDIOS CORRAL RUBIO reserves the right to modify the present privacy policy with the aim of adapting it to possible legislative changes, as well as to those that may be derived from the existing codes of conduct in the matter or for strategic or corporate reasons. All this, without prejudice to claiming the necessary consent of those affected in order to carry out the required processing, when this consent is not considered to have been granted in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy. Said modifications will be included prominently on the Site in a visible and accessible manner to all users. - The user accepts that the applicable legislation and the competent Courts and Tribunals to hear any differences arising from the interpretation or application of these clauses are Spanish, and submits, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the town of SANTA COLOMA DE GRAMENET.